Revisiting the Visibility Problem with a Hybrid Structure Paradigm
Icaro da Cunha$^{1}$, Luiz Gonçalves$^{1}$
$^{1}$Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal Brazil
Schedule:Wed 21st@16:15, Room: B

We revisit the problem known as the visibility problem, for computing a potentially visible set of primitives, proposing a solution that can be used to accelerate the processing in real-time 3D visualization applications. We come up with a resulting dry structure in the sense of data reduction that can be used for on-line, interactive applications. Our main goal is to load the minimum amount of primitives from the scene during the rendering stage, as possible. For this purpose, our algorithm executes the culling by using a hybrid paradigm based on viewing-frustum, back-face culling and occlusion models. Results have shown a substantial improvement over these traditional approaches if applied separately. This novel approach can be used in devices with no dedicated processors or with low processing power, as cell phones or embedded displays, or to visualize data through the internet, as in virtual museums applications.


	author 		= {Icaro da Cunha and Luiz Gonçalves},
	title 		= {Revisiting the Visibility Problem with a Hybrid Structure Paradigm},
	booktitle 	= {2015 XLI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI)},
	pages 		= {24--30},
	year 		= {2015},
	editor 		= {Hector Cancela and Alex Cuadros-Vargas and Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas},
	address 	= {Arequipa-Peru},
	month 		= {October},
	organization 	= {CLEI},
	publisher 	= {CLEI},
	url 		= {},
	isbn 		= {978-1-4673-9143-6},

Generated by Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas , Sociedad Peruana de Computación-Peru, Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa-Perú